"Classic Vulnerabilities" by Patricia Aas
🗓️ Tuesday, 7th May 2024 (18:00 - 20:00)

🗓️ Tuesday, 7th May 2024 (18:00 - 20:00)
We keep on thinking we are living in the future, but native exploitation has a rich history, and many times the vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques are decades old. We'll look at some of these, how they have surfaced in recent years and how prepared we are today, armed with modern tooling, to find and fix "classic" vulnerabilities.
Speaker: Patricia Aas
Patricia Aas
Patricia is a programmer who has worked mostly in C++ and Java. She has spent her career continuously delivering from the same code-base to a large user base, from working on two browsers (Opera and Vivaldi), to working on embedded telepresence endpoints for Cisco. She is focused on the maintainability

Talk featured in :
Cupán Tae Conf Series
Coding Grace will be launching a series of virtual events as part of Cupán Tae Conf.